Holy Family School
Includes a general and a new parent handbook.
Parent Handbook

Welcome to Holy Family School!
August 2023

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to all our new and returning students and parents!  Welcome to another school year, another opportunity to grow not only academically, but physically and spiritually as we continue our faith journey together at Holy Family.  We are excited to begin this new year with you!
Holy Family exemplifies high academic standards.  We have been educating students since 1886.  Holy Family is an accredited school through the Minnesota Non-Public School Accrediting Association.  Holy Family has been a member since 1991 and completes a renewal process every 7 years.  

This handbook is given to you as a helpful resource.  It contains information about school procedures, policies and general information about school programs.  Please read it carefully and keep it handy for easy reference.  Discuss with your children topics that directly relate to them.  If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Education is a partnership between God, parents, students and School staff.  Let us support each other in prayer and action as we carry out this important challenge and privilege of providing quality Catholic education for our young people.

Blessings to you in this new school year!
Mrs. Mary Sowada          
Parent Handbook
Holy Family School is a Christ-centered family. We strive to help each child reach his or her potential in an environment where our Catholic faith is lived and celebrated.
Holy Family School is an integral partnership among school, home, and our faith community.
We believe children are God's work in process, therefore we enable and challenge children to recognize God within themselves, in others, and all of God's creation.
We are dedicated to setting the highest standards of learning,
while fostering creativity and curiosity.


You are invited to be involved at Holy Family School in various positions on the School Board or different committees.  Your commitment would be to attend meetings and be involved in the work.  These committees report to the Holy Family Board of Education.Our committees are:Endowment & Finance, Public Relations, Technology, Fundraising, Facilities Committee, and Home and School Association.
Members of the Board of Education shall be the Pastor, the principal of the parish school, seven voting lay members selected from Seven Dolors Parish and the Area Catholic Community with up to three members being selected Out of Parish. (See policy regarding out-of-parish rep.)

This term alternates between parishes, with children in attendance.  Board of Education meetings are open and parents are welcome to attend, share ideas and concerns.

Committees serve under the Board and they are open to parents of enrolled children or any parish member.  Please consider serving on them.  
        1. Technology Committee
        2. Marketing/Public Relations Committee
        3. Finance Committee
        4. Building/Maintenance Committee


The Marketing/Public Relations Committee promotes Catholic Education by keeping the School and Parish in the public eye: newspaper, mailings, birth list, alumni, etc.

The Technology Committee assesses the technology needs and promotes and achieves the three-year purchase plan and assures that the goals and objectives will be finalized.

The Building Maintenance Committee works with the Parish and Principal in maintaining a safe school building and grounds area.

Catholic schools call their parent organization the Home and School Association. All parents are members and there is no membership fee. The Home and School is the fundraising arm of the school. Without active and involved members, tuition for your child(ren) would have to be considerably higher. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings. These meetings are a great time to interact and socialize with other parents, while learning about the programs at Holy Family School. Parents are also encouraged to serve as officers. Offices are two-year terms. The offices are president, vice-president/treasurer, and secretary. The vice president is a one-year term and then moves to president for one year. Most of our school fundraisers are sponsored by the Home & School Association.
A newsletter is posted each Thursday on the SchoolSpeak Communication System.  The SchoolSpeak Portal is a secure website we use for communicating with families.  It has a large amount of information available on it.  Parents are asked to check the School Speak portal on a regular basis for information from your child's teacher or the office.  On Thursdays each family may also receive a Parent Folder with information from the school office.  Please empty the folder and return it to school for use again the following week.  Parents that do not have internet access may request copies of the weekly newsletters and other forms in their weekly envelope.  

Progress reports and conferences are an important means for parents and teachers to work together for the good of the child.  (See the school calendar for the dates of parent-teacher conferences.)  Report cards are posted three times a year and midterm reports are posted at midterm of each trimester. Hard copies of report cards will be sent home to families without internet access. Conferences are scheduled at midterm first and second trimester or as requested.  Parents wishing to discuss their child’s progress, clarify curriculum concerns, or desiring other information, need not wait until the scheduled conference time, but are encouraged to make an appointment with the teacher or principal when needed.  A good time to contact teachers is between 2:50 and 3:15 Tuesday through Thursday, but a message may be left at any time or feel free to send an email. 

When parents have concerns or complaints they are encouraged to meet with the staff person involved.  If the problem is not resolved, the parents, staff member and principal will meet.  If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, a hearing by the local board and pastor may be requested.  The procedures as outlined in Policy #5212 are then followed.

Parents are encouraged to visit anytime they wish to see their child in a learning situation. They are also encouraged to become involved in the learning process.

Before school starts each fall, parents are invited to an Open House to meet the teachers and receive information on the programs and curriculum.  At this time, parents may take care of lunch fees, tuition payments, and other forms.  Each spring, there is an open house and orientation day for incoming kindergarten students and their parents to acquaint them with the school and its goals and curriculum.  
Playground supervision is another way parents get to be involved.  Each school year parents are asked to help with lunchroom and playground supervision three times.  A schedule is on the portal.  Parents start by helping our younger students in the lunchroom with scraping plates and then help supervise the playground.   It is about an hour long commitment. Please watch the newsletter for exact times.  If you are not able to help on your assigned day you can switch with another parents or pay a sub $12.00.  

Parents who send their children to Holy Family School are asked to:
  • Read and follow the directives and policies in this Handbook.
  • Support fundraising efforts and other school events and activities.  (Fundraising helps to keep tuition affordable.)
  • Help the oldest child be responsible for bringing home weekly school communication and returning them promptly.
  • Supervise the playground 3 days a year. 
Volunteers play a vital role in our school community!  Throughout the year, requests are made for volunteers for special projects and activities.  Your help is most appreciated!  Volunteers are asked to check-in and out with the office.  Volunteers are required to complete a background check and read and follow the diocesan Safe Environment policies.  

In 2008 the Minnesota Legislature passed legislation requiring criminal background checks for all employees and direct contact volunteers in schools (public and nonpublic).  The Diocese of St. Cloud has had this policy for the past few years for schools and religious education programs.  The following employees and volunteers are required to complete a criminal background check:  Administrators, Teachers, Substitute Teachers, Tutors, Extracurricular Advisors, Paraprofessionals, Food Service, Janitorial and all volunteers that have direct contact with students.  (This includes parent volunteers in classrooms, parents attending field trips, parents supervising recess, etc.)  The background checks must be renewed every five years.

We currently have this information on file for all of our employees and the parent volunteers via the Diocese of St. Cloud's CMG Connect Program for Safe Environment.  If you are unsure if you have this information on file, please contact the principal.  As part of Holy Family process, all of these individuals are required to view a short training video as well.  The video is available to view on the following web page:  www.stclouddiocese.org/safeenvironment/ along with other training required.  You will be notified annually if any forms need completing or updating.
Your support of fundraisers helps keep tuition affordable for all and builds our school community.  Thank you for your efforts!  Each year families will have the responsibility to volunteer to organize events or work five work slots or assignments at the fundraisers they choose.  The sign-up for fundraiser events will be posted on the School Speak Portal in the fall. Families may opt-out of participation in the fundraising events by providing a monetary amount.  The monetary request for a complete opt-out is $1200 or $250 per work slot.

  • Students should show respect and courtesy to all students, teachers and adults.
  • Students should be quiet in the halls and restrooms out of consideration for others’ right to learn.  Restrooms are not social gathering places; quiet is expected.  Please flush and thoroughly wash your hands before you leave.
  • The atmosphere in the library should encourage studying.  Quiet discussion may be necessary but voices should never be disruptive.
  • All children should take pride in keeping the school orderly.  Respect should be shown to all school property.  Picking up things from the floor in the rooms, halls, restrooms, lunchroom and from the playground is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Consideration of one another and for the supervisors should be shown on the playground.  Permission is needed to come into the building before recess is over. 
  • Boots should be worn during the winter and kept orderly in the halls and rooms. This helps keep children healthy and the building clean.
  • Children are responsible for playground equipment. Students who take a piece of equipment to the playground are responsible for bringing it back.
  • Gum is not allowed during the school day except on special occasions. If students bring gum at inappropriate times, this reward may be discontinued.
  • Only students signed up for the Morning Childcare Program should be in the building before 7:30.
  • Students are to be courteous & obedient of the lunchroom rules. This creates a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Students should complete assignments on time.
  • Caps, hats and/or other headgear are not to be worn in class, except on special occasions.
  • Students must abide by the bus regulations.
  • Appropriate Christian behavior is expected at all times.

  • Students will keep to the right in halls, on sidewalks, and on the stairs.
  • Students should walk on the stairs, in the halls, and the lunchroom.  More than one step at a time is not permitted on the stairs.
  • Students should not throw rocks or snowballs or play roughly.  Baseballs and/or hard rubber balls are not permitted. 
  • Students will observe safe and proper procedures for sledding on the hill.  Teachers and supervisors will inform students of the proper procedures.
  • Tennis shoes are worn during Physical Education classes.  If students wear dress shoes to school, a pair of tennis shoes is to be kept in school.  Students return Physical Education equipment to the proper place.
  • At the end of the school day, the teachers will walk their classes out to the parking lot to meet the parents of students not taking the bus home.
  • Playground equipment should be treated with respect and used appropriately.  
  • The boundaries of the playground should be respected.   

The mission of Holy Family School is to nurture the growth, learning, and self-esteem of each child within a caring Christian environment.  We believe our students are disciples because they are enrolled in a school which tries to pass on the values and vision of Jesus.  We expect positive behavior from our students but realize making good choices is a developmental process and a learning experience.  Our main goal in discipline is to reinforce positive behavior and lead students to self-discipline.

The Holy Family Board of Education and the Staff of Holy Family School recognize that each child has rights as a student and as an individual and these rights must be respected.  With these rights, there is a corresponding responsibility for students to follow school rules and regulations.       

Policy # HFS 507                 Holy Family Board of Education               
May 1994
Revised April 2005

In order to maintain a healthy learning environment, help students make good choices, and teach them to respect themselves and others, the following steps will be used when students choose to violate school rules.
Step 1,  The classroom teacher will confer with the student.
The problem will be defined.
The teacher and student will agree on a solution.
A behavior modification program will be set up if necessary.
The parents will be contacted, if appropriate.
Step 2, The teacher will consult with the principal.
Further ways of solving the problem will be discussed.
Parents will be notified, and a timeline will be established for a reassessment of the situation.   
Step 3, If the behavior does not improve, the student will be sent to the principal’s office and parents will be called.
The problem will be defined and restated clearly.
A proposed solution will be agreed upon by all.
Step 4, Communication will be held with the parent/child/teacher and principal.
*Actions may include:
A behavior modification program will be proposed and agreed upon by all.
A serious offense (see severe clause below) may warrant suspension/expulsion (see step 5).
A timeline may be established to resolve the problem.
A follow-up and probation period may be set.  If no positive change is seen, the 5th step will occur.
Step 5, If improved behavior is not attained or if behavior is of a serious nature (see severe clause below), parents will be informed of the need to consider another educational environment for their child.  Only in extreme cases would Step 5 become a reality.

If the behavior problem is of a serious nature, Step 4 will automatically become effective.  Each child is treated as an individual.  For this reason, time lines in behavioral situations are determined by the administration and the teacher(s) involved in consultation with the parents and based upon the degree of improvement made.  Consequences for inappropriate behavior may include noon hour or after school detention, in-school suspension, or the parent taking the student home for the day.  *Examples of behavior that will invoke the severe clause are:
  • Gross disrespect for staff.
  • Fighting resulting in injury or deliberately harming others.
  • Use of profanity or obscene gestures.
  • Damaging and/or destroying property.
  • Throwing of rocks or any dangerous object.
  • Use or possession of drugs, alcohol, smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Possession of knives, guns, or objects that could endanger themselves or others.
  • See also “Student Harassment Guidelines”

Holy Family School adopted the diocesan policies #S520 and #S521 concerning harassment in January, 1994 and revised in January, 2006. Harassment is unacceptable conduct that is severe, pervasive, and deliberate. 
*Holy Family School will follow the diocesan guidelines in responding to any complaint of harassment.
  • Everyone at Holy Family School has a right to feel respected and safe.  These policies and guidelines are to help prevent harassment and violence of any kind.
  • A harasser may be a student or an adult.  Harassment may include the following when related to religion, race, or gender:  name calling, jokes or rumors, pulling on clothing, graffiti, notes or cartoons, unwelcome touching of person or clothing, offensive or graphic poster or book covers, or any words or actions that make a person feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or hurt ones feelings.
  • If any words or actions make one feel uncomfortable or fearful, they need to tell a teacher or a staff member or submit a written report.
  • The complainant’s right to privacy will be respected as much as possible.
  • Reports are taken seriously and appropriate actions based on the written report will be taken.
  • Holy Family School will take action if anyone tries to intimidate a complainant or takes action to harm the person because of a report.


At Holy Family School we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school, the staff and parents/guardians recognize that the education of our children is a partnership among us.

We expect our school community to respect our school culture and set a good example of our own behavior both on school premises and when accompanying classes on school visits and field trips.

As a partnership, we are all aware of the importance of good working relationships and all recognize the importance of these relationships to equip our children with the necessary skills for their education. For these reasons, we will continue to welcome and encourage parents/guardians and volunteers to participate fully in the life of our school.

The purpose of this code of conduct is to provide the expectations around the conduct of all parents/guardians, volunteers, and visitors connected to our school.

We are committed to resolving difficulties in a constructive manner, through an open and positive dialogue. However, we understand that everyday misunderstandings can cause frustrations and have a negative impact on our relationships. Where issues arise or misconceptions take place, please contact your child’s teacher or principal, who will be available to meet with you and go through the issue and hopefully resolve it smoothly and quickly.

This code aims to clarify the types of behavior that will not be tolerated and seeks a parent/guardian agreement to these expectations.

The code of conduct also sets out the actions the school can take should this code be ignored or where breaches occur.

*Behavior that will not be tolerated:

·Disruptive behavior which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the school’s normal operation or activities anywhere on the school premises.

·Any inappropriate behavior on the school premises.

·Using loud or offensive language or displaying temper.

·Threatening in any way: a child, member of staff, visitor, fellow parent/guardian, or volunteer.

·Damaging or destroying school property.

·Sending abusive or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communications (including social media) to anyone within the school community.

·Defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the students/parents/staff at the school on Facebook or other sites.

·The use of physical, verbal or written aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment of your own child on school premises.

·Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences.)

·Smoking, taking illegal drugs, or the consumption of alcohol on school premises. (Alcohol may only be consumed during authorized events.)

Should any of the above occur on school premises or in connection with school, HFS may feel it is necessary to take action by contacting the appropriate authorities or consider banning the offending adult from entering the school premises.

Thank you for abiding by this code of conduct in our school.  Together we create a positive and uplifting environment not only for the children but also all who work and visit our school!

It is important for parents/guardians to make sure any persons picking up their children are aware of this policy, as well.

What happens if someone ignores or breaks this code?

In the event of any parent/guardian, volunteer, or visitor of the school breaking this code, proportionate actions will be taken as follows:

In cases where the unacceptable behavior is considered to be a serious and potentially criminal matter, the concerns will in the first instance be referred to law enforcement. This will include any or all cases of threats or violence and actual violence to any child or staff in the school. This will also include anything that could be seen as a sign of harassment of any member of the school community, such as any form of insulting social media post or any form of social media cyber bullying. In cases where evidence suggests that behavior would be serious and damaging, then the school would also refer the matter to the law enforcement for further action. In cases where the code of conduct has been broken but the breach was not damaging, slanderous, or a criminal matter, then the school will send out a formal letter to the parent/guardian, volunteer, or visitor requiring a meeting.

If the parent/guardian refuses to attend the meeting, the school will write to the parent/guardian, volunteer, or visitor and ask them to stop the behavior causing the concern and warn that if it doesn’t stop, they may be banned from the school premises. If after this behavior continues, the parent/guardian will receive a letter informing them that a ban is now in place.

*Note: (1) A ban from the school can be introduced without having to go through all the steps offered above in more serious cases.

(2) Site bans will normally be limited in the first instance.

Issues of conduct with the use of Social Media

Many people take part in online activities and social media. It’s fun, interesting and keeps us connected.HFS has a Facebook page which allows parents to find out about school events. Within this source of social media we ask that you use common sense when responding online.

Think before you post’ - We ask that social media, whether public or private, should not be used to fuel campaigns and voice complaints against the school, school staff, parents or children.

We take very seriously inappropriate use of social media by a parent/guardian, volunteer, or visitor to publicly humiliate or criticize another parent, member of staff, or child.

If parents have any concerns about their child(ren) in relation to the school as we have said above, they should:

Parents/guardians, volunteers, or visitors should not use social media as a medium to air any concerns or grievances.

Further online activity which HFS considers inappropriate:

·Identifying or posting images/videos of children

·Abusive or personal comments about staff, children, or other parents

·Bringing the school in disrepute

·Posting defamatory comments

·Emails circulated or sent directly with abusive or personal comments about staff or children

·Using social media to publicly challenge school policies or discuss issues about individual children or members of staff

·Threatening behavior, such as verbally intimidating staff, or using bad language

·Breaching school security procedures

At our school we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and will deal with any reported incidents appropriately in line with the actions outlined above.

Again, at Holy Family School we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. Together we recognize that the education of our children continues to be a strong, positive partnership among us. Thank you for your cooperation and help with this!

Policy #700     Adopted: April 16, 2019         Holy Family School, Albany

Holy Family Board of Education
Students are asked to dress in a neat, appropriate manner that reflects pride in themselves and their Catholic school.  Clothing and shoes should provide for the safety of your child.  The following are guidelines:
  • Clothing advertising alcoholic beverages and/or tobacco products and/or containing inappropriate language and/or messages should not be worn.
  • Students are not permitted to wear spaghetti strap tops or dresses, tube, halter or midriff tops, or low cut or see-through tops.
  • Shorts will be permitted until Oct. 1 and after Easter.  However, they should not be worn for church.  Short, skirt and dress hems should be below a child's fingertips as their arms are hanging by their sides.
  • Students must wear shoes at all times for health and safety reasons. Tennis shoes are required for Physical Education and recess.  Flip flops should not be worn to school.
  • Hats, caps, bandanas or other head coverings are not to be worn indoors for class, except on special occasions.
  • Boots, mittens, and warm clothing are required to play outdoors in winter.  Students not dressed appropriately will go outside but will be required to stand by the building.
  • Makeup is not appropriate for grade school children.  Perfumes and perfumed lotions should not be worn, out of respect for persons with allergies.
  • Tuesdays are “Spirit Days” and students are encouraged to show their school spirit by wearing blue and white.
When considering retention, parents must be notified in a timely manner.  Parents are to be included in the ongoing remediation efforts prior to and after formal notification of the possibility of retention.  The final decision for retention is made by the parents, teacher and principal.  In the event the parents refuse the retention, parents are to sign a statement documenting the refusal of retention.   
Policy # HFS 510     Holy Family Board of Education       February, 1994   Revised August, 2005

Sometimes parents call the school to ask that a message be given to a student.  While we willingly respond to your emergency needs, we ask that messages to the child at school be kept to a prudent minimum.  Students will be responsible for listening for messages and getting bus slips from their teachers.  Use of the telephone by students is limited to emergency calls.  School time should not be used to call home for permission to attend parties and ride buses with friends, etc.  If you need to communicate with a teacher during the day, you may leave a voice mail.  The teacher will return your call as soon as possible.
Students are not allowed to use cell phones during the school day.  In the event of an emergency students would be given access to the school landlines as necessary.  If students have cell phones in their backpacks they must remain turned off during the school day.
If your child has lost something, check the labeled “Lost & Found” lockers by the office or the cabinet in the office.  Parents are welcome to check this anytime.  It is a good idea to clearly mark items with the child’s name so they can be returned without delay.
Holy Family teaches the following subjects:  Religion, Reading, Math, English, Social Studies, Spelling, Health, Music, Art, Physical Education, Computer, and Science.
Children riding the bus must abide by bus regulations as set by the district if they are to have the privilege of using this means of transportation.  These regulations are sent to each family in August of each year.  If students transportation plans change parents must send a written note or write a note in their assignment book.  Classes are dismissed at 2.40.  All bus students must ride the bus to the public school where they transfer to their respective buses for the ride home.  Students are to observe bus rules and proper behavior at the public school as well as at Holy Family.  Students may not go into the public school at this time.  If you have bus concerns, please call the public school transportation department at 845-2171, ext. 5800.
In the morning, students must walk their bikes from the bike path in front of the church to the school. Bikes ridden to school are to be parked in the bicycle racks and remain there during the school day.  At dismissal,  bikers are to line up and wait for the school patrol.  Students should walk their bikes until the bike path or until the main intersection.  The school does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen bicycles.  Students riding bicycles must follow safety regulations if they wish to continue riding their bicycles to and from school.
At the close of the school day, drivers who are picking up students are asked to park to the east of the church.  Children should be picked up by 2:45 unless other arrangements have been made.  Teachers will walk students out to the parking lot to look for parents.
Invitations for birthday parties or student sleepovers should be handled by invitations sent in the mail, emails or phone calls.  Please do not have students bring invitations to school to hand out to classmates.  Thanks for your help with this!
Holy Family School will follow the Albany School District for weather related school closures.  During times of bad weather, you can listen to the radio (KASM - 1150 AM, KCLD - 104.7 FM, WJON - 1240 AM) to find out whether school will be in session, or if already in session, whether it will be closed early.  Phone calls are also made through the School district bus data base.  Holy Family will also use our SchoolSpeak portal and email system to notify parents of late starts, early dismissals, or snow days. We encourage you to discuss with your child what procedure to follow should you not be at home.  Let the school know of special arrangements for after school transportation. 
Recess is an opportunity for a child to use excess energy and also to participate in group activities.  Any activity that may be injurious to themselves or others or disrupts group activities is not allowed, i.e., using water guns, etc.

Even during cold weather, children will be required to go outside for recess so please dress your children accordingly.  Unless any students have unusual health concerns, we ask for your cooperation in not requesting your child be kept indoors. Usually if a child is well enough to attend school, he/she is well enough to go outdoors. If your child is unable to go outdoors, please send a written explanation to the teacher.
Only on extremely cold days, the students will stay in for recess and have supervised free time in their classroom or the hallway. 
Field trips are valuable learning experiences.  Through field trips, students have firsthand experience with the subject at hand.  Trip information and permission slips will be sent home to be completed and signed. Field trips are a privilege not a right.  Students who are disruptive in the classroom may not be taken on a field trip.  Attendance at school is still expected.  

Eye and ear testing is done by the District nurse.  Parents may request additional testing anytime.  If it is found that the student has a problem, a referral note will be sent home and a phone call will be made to encourage the parents to take the child for an eye or ear examination as soon as possible.

Minnesota State Law requires that children have proof of immunity from measles (red or hard measles and German measles), diphtheria, polio, mumps and chicken pox before they enter school.  Parents are requested to take care of this through their family doctor.  If a parent has all of the verification of shots required, he/she rather than the doctor noted on the form, may indicate the dates of the shots and sign the form.  If you choose not to have these immunizations, a notarized form must be on file.

If your child becomes ill or injured at school, we will make every effort to notify you immediately.  The school needs to know how to reach parents quickly.  We ask that families update student profiles and emergency contact information on SchoolSpeak and on the Medical Information sheet in the packet. Please return it immediately to school.  Please keep it updated and contact the school, when you change your address, telephone or change jobs. If emergency treatment is required, your signature on the emergency card will enable us to call a doctor and/or ambulance should we need to act quickly.  We will contact you as soon as possible.  The expense of the doctor or ambulance is the responsibility of the parents.

Holy Family School Hot Lunch is funded strictly through meal charges of students and reimbursements received from state and federal programs.  It is important for all families who qualify for free and reduced meals to enroll.  *The free and reduced price meals program serves a twofold purpose in funding services; they are as follows:
1 . The Federal Title I Program for students who need additional assistance is based on the percentage of students participating in the free and reduced meal program. 
2.  The funding we receive through this program generates more revenue per student than a student who pays full price for their meal.  Students who qualify and participate in this program generate extra revenue which helps Holy Family School control the price per meal for all students. 

We urge all families who think they may qualify for free & reduced lunches to fill out an application and to return it as soon as possible.  All information received and the identity of the students who are participating in this program is kept confidential.  Students are not treated any differently on this program than students who do not participate.  Application for free and reduced lunch may be made any time during the school year, if your financial situation changes.  If you have any questions, please call the school.

Students who bring cold lunch will eat in the lunchroom with the rest of the children.  They may purchase milk if they wish.  Students should not bring soda as part of a cold lunch.   Parents are encouraged to pack nutritious lunches, keeping sweets to a minimum.  We are a nut aware building.  Please do not pack items containing peanuts or tree nuts in your child's lunch.

Lunch fees may be paid by the month, half, or full year.  Please pay at beginning of the month.  Credit cannot be extended.  One check may be used for the entire family.  Please do not include lunch money with tuition payments. Listed below is our lunch policy.

The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent meal account procedures in providing meals to students.
  • Holy Family School recognizes the parent/guardian's responsibility to provide lunch for their children.  Proper nutritional intake is essential for adequate learning to occur.
  • It is the policy of Holy Family School to provide quality meals in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner. 
  • Student meals are purchased by depositing funds into their family account or by cash payment.
  • Families may apply for free/reduced meals anytime during the school year.  Applications are given to all families in the school at the Open House.  In addition, applications are available at the school office or on the School Speak Portal throughout the school year.
  • A payment reminder notice will be put in the weekly newsletter at the beginning of each month. Statements will be sent in the weekly letter with the Principal contacting families with past due balances.

The breakfast program for the current school year is free to all students.  Families are encouraged to utilize this program.

Children eat their lunches in the school lunchroom and may not leave the school grounds, without permission. Weather permitting, students go outside each day for recess.  Children who eat in school are expected to be courteous and obedient to the rules of the lunchroom. The following is expected:
  • Speak in a conversational tone. (indoor voice)
  • Do not play with or waste food.
  • Leave your place clean and push in your chair.
  • Walk.
  • Thank the cooks.
  • Remain seated until dismissed by the supervisor.

Holy Family School must provide substitutions, if a student has a disability and that disability restricts the diet, provided a signed medical statement from a licensed physician is on file.  This statement must identify the foods to be omitted and what substitutions are be made.
Holy Family School may make substitutions even if a student does not have a disability, but the student has a special dietary condition, provided a signed statement from a recognized medical authority is on file.  This statement must identify the foods to be omitted and what substitutions are be made.

Holy Family School, upon written request will provide a lactose free milk product for those students that are lactose intolerant.  Please note this substitution must still be a milk product.  Juice is not a viable substitute.
*Holy Family School, in consideration for special health concerns, is a peanut and nut tree aware building.  No peanut or tree-nut products are to be brought into the school facility.

Please be sure that the school is aware of any specific health need.  This information is confidential and will be noted on the child’s health card.
Health Department regulations state that no home-baked goods should be brought into school. (e.g., a person preparing food may be coming down with a communicable disease that may spread).  If your child wishes to treat his/her classmates, the treat must be commercially prepared.  Crackers, pretzels, and/or fruit are more suitable than candy, gum, or pop.  In place of a birthday treat, we suggest the student buy a book for the library.  The book can first be read to the class, and then be put in the library with a sticker noting who donated it.  Some students have allergies and we must have an accurate listing of all the ingredients.  Peanuts, milk, and or other ingredients can be deadly for some students.  Many foods contain hidden ingredients.  Read the label carefully before sending food and please remember that no peanut or tree nut products are allowed at Holy Family.

In fulfilling the obligation of Public Law 108-265 requiring all educational agencies which participate in school lunch programs to establish a wellness policy.  Holy Family School adopted a wellness policy in October, 2006.  Copies of the policy can be found at the end of the board of education policies posted on the portal.

Administration of medications by school personnel will only be done according to the written order of a licensed physician and written authorization of a parent.  When prescriptions are given for the child by a doctor, the parent should ask the doctor if it is possible to take the medication at a time other than during school. If this is not possible, medication must be brought in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.  All orders for medication will be reviewed by the District nurse. *The following information must be on the label:
  • Child’s full name
  • Name and dosage of medication
  • Time and directions for administration
  • Physician’s name and Date
Medication permission forms are available at the school office or you may have the clinic fax us.   It is preferable that medications be brought to school by a parent or responsible adult.  If there is medication remaining after the prescribed course of treatment or at the end of the school year, please make arrangements for it to be picked up. Limited quantities of the medication should be sent to school; therefore, the pharmacist should put the medication in two containers, one for school and one for home.  A new medication consent form is required when the dosage or time of administration of the medication is changed.  Parents are expected to notify the school when the medication is discontinued.  If the medication is resumed, a new consent form must be received. No aspirin or over-the-counter medication will be administered to children unless the above provisions are followed.  It is the responsibility of the student, not the school to get his/her medication at the designated time; however, efforts will be made to assist the student.
Personal items such as tablets, pencils, crayons, pens, rulers, paper, etc., are purchased by the individual student.  In the spring of the year, a list of the student’s needs for each grade is sent to the parents.  Please label all supplies.  All children are required to use some type of school bag to carry books to and from school.  This helps to protect the books.  Valuables such as money, expensive toys and other items should not be brought to school.  If it is necessary to bring these to school, students should make arrangements with the office for safekeeping.  The school is not  responsible for misplaced or lost items.

Students are not encouraged to bring cellphones and other electronic devices to school.  However, if parents wish their child to have a cellphone with them for after-school activities, it is requested that the phone must be left in their backpack or in the school office.  Parents must send a note to the office indicating that their child will have a phone in their possession.  The phone may not be used during the school day.

Holy Family School has an asbestos inspection every three years. The Asbestos Abatement Plan is available in the office for your inspection.
Minnesota State law requires that schools inform parents, guardians, and employees if certain pesticides are applied on school property.  Specifically, the law requires schools that apply these pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of application and to make the schedule available for review or copying at the school office.
All pest control materials at Holy Family School are chosen and applied according to label directions per Federal law.  If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the estimated schedule (excluding emergency applications),  please contact the building principal.

Through State and Federal aid programs, our school has the services of special education and Title I teachers, a social worker, a speech therapist, a District nurse, as well as some instructional materials, textbooks, and audio visual equipment.  The Holy Family School hot lunch program also receives State and Federal aid.  The district provides bus transportation.  Students are invited and encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities  e.g., volleyball, wrestling, etc. which are sponsored by the district. These forms will be sent home as needed.

Information such as student name, parent’s name, address, phone number, birth date, photos, and student’s work may at times be published or posted by the school.  This information may appear in a student directory, on class lists, school newsletters, bulletins boards, classroom displays or projects, on the school portal and facebook page, or local newspapers and the St. Cloud Visitor.  If you do not wish to have this information please indicate this when completing the Family Data Form at the beginning of the school year.
Please arrange a definite period during which children have quiet time away from the radio or tv for homework.  The following is a suggested guide for homework time:

    Grades K - 1        20 - 30 minutes   
    Grades 2 - 3         30 - 40 minutes
    Grades 4 - 5         30 - 60 minutes

If your child seems to be spending an excessive amount of time on his/her homework, please contact the teacher.  If no specific assignment has been made, the time should be used for recreational reading, practice of spelling words or practice of math facts.  Students in grades 2-5 have assignment notebooks.  Students are responsible for writing their assignments in the notebook.  Parents are asked to sign the notebook each evening. 

  • Bring a notebook, paper, pen or pencil and other materials necessary to class.
  • Participate in the classroom - listen well and take part in discussions.
  • Asks questions if you don’t understand the discussion or if you have a problem.
  • Plan your work and schedule time for homework each day; make sure you understand the assignment before you leave class.
  • Use what you learn, see how each subject applies to the others.
  • Strive to do your best.
  • Attitude is important - think positively; work independently; seek help only when you have exhausted  your own resources; then ask questions and use library resources.
  • Learning requires concentration - keep your mind on what you are doing.
  • At home, have a definite, well-lighted, quiet place to study.
  • Read the entire assignment rapidly to grasp the basic content.  Reread slowly to understand content, details, explanations and directions.  If the assignment is not written, make notes of your own; outline what you have learned.
  • If the assignment is a long-term project, do a little of it each day - don’t let it go until the last minute.  It will be easier and you will do a better job.

  • Relax and read the directions carefully and then follow them.
  • Read the whole test first to see what’s asked for and how to use your time.
  • Read each question twice before answering and think before you write.
  • Answer questions fully with the information requested.
  • Check for spelling and grammar before turning in your paper.
Spirit of Truth, enlighten my mind that I may acquire a deeper knowledge of you and your creation; keep my attention from wandering that I may focus on my study; enable me to do your work completely and neatly that I may imitate your perfection; prevent me from distracting others that they too may learn your ways; and guide me that I may assist others who may need my help. Jesus, stay with me and be my model as I study.  Mary, the mother of Jesus and my mother, help me with my studying.   Amen.
Attendance at worship is an integral part of your child’s life at Holy Family School.  There are a variety of opportunities for your child to participate in worship:

Eucharist: On Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. all students will participate in the Mass. Classes rotate planning and carrying out the different ministries.  Date and time of Mass will be adjusted for Holy Days and special events.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:  During Advent and Lent the students have an opportunity to participate in a communal penance service with private confession.

Prayer:  During Advent and Lent the students will participate in special prayer services.  Prayer is also an integral part of each school day.
It is presumed that each family participates in the worship and prayer life of their parish.  This includes regular attendance at Saturday or Sunday liturgy and other parish activities.  Please  encourage your children to use their Sunday envelopes - a gift-giving habit and a sign of beautiful stewardship that is important in developing when one is young.

  7:30  School doors open for K-5 children.  Students should report to the                   cafeteria. Preschool students who arrive before 7:50 must also report to the cafeteria.
  7:30-8:00  Breakfast is served in the cafeteria 
  7:50  Students dismissed to their classrooms  
  8:10  School begins with Morning Announcements (Attendance taken)
  2:40  Dismissal begins    
  2:40  Bus  

Supervision of students begins at 7:30.  Students who arrive between 7:30 - 7:50 must go to designated tables in the cafeteria.   No students, other than those in the childcare program, will be allowed in the building prior to 7:30.  Please respect our limited instructional time and have students in their classrooms by 8:00 a.m.  School begins promptly at 8:10 am.  Punctuality is important.  Teachers take attendance and lunch count at 8:10.  Tardy students need to check in at the office before going to their classroom.
The breakfast program will be offered from approx. 7:30 - 8:00 in the cafeteria. 
Regular daily attendance is strongly encouraged.  If your child will be absent, please call the school by 8:15 to notify us.
Students leaving the building during the school day are required to check-out in the office.  No student will be released to anyone other than their parents or legal guardians unless the school has been notified.

Parents if you are picking up students, please do not arrive before 2:40.  Announcements are made just prior to this time and we do not want students to miss important information.  Teachers will walk their students out of school and across the street to the parking lot.  Please park in the east parking lot of the church.
Baby-sitting, shopping, visiting, helping at home, long weekends, etc., are considered unexcused absences.  The teacher is not expected to spend time with the student to make up the work for unexcused absences.

Illness of the student or serious illness, death or emergency in the immediate family are considered reasons for an excused absence.  Consideration will also be made for special educational trips that are not too frequent or lengthy.  On these occasions, please contact the office and teacher at least two weeks in advance.  Please consider taking this vacation during a regular vacation time.  Consult the school calendar and plan vacations to coincide with the student’s vacation time.  The child should request make-up work in advance from the teachers whenever he/she must be absent.

Parents or legal guardians should call or send written permissions or excuses for the following:
To explain why a child is absent.
To have a child stay in from recess because of illness, etc.  (Generally, if a child is well enough to be in school, they should be able to go outside.)
To explain why a child cannot participate in Physical Ed or a portion of it.  A doctor’s note is needed if a child is unable to participate regularly.
To keep a doctor or dental appointment.
To be excused early from school for any reason.
To leave the school premises at any time.
To allow a child to participate in a field trip.

The policy for registering students at Holy Family School is as follows:
Registrations are accepted for all grade levels according to the Holy Family Registration policy until the recommended class cap has been reached.  At that point a waiting list will be established and the Board of Education will review the situation and make a decision at that time in regard to additional sections.
Children should be five years of age on or before Sept. 1 to enter Kindergarten.  Early admission requires a review by the kindergarten teaching staff and administration.   Updated immunizations and a copy of  a birth certificate are required for every student.  Students baptized in parishes other than Seven Dolors will also be required to provide a copy of the baptismal record.  If a custody agreement is in place a copy needs to be on file with the school.
Holy Family School is supported by Seven Dolors Parish and by other area parishes with students in attendance, as well as by the investment from parents of enrolled students.  The tuition rate is set prior to registration for the next year.
No child shall be refused admittance because of the family's inability to pay any or all of the educational cost.  Parents unable to pay the investment are asked to meet with the pastor or principal to discuss their situation before the child(ren) is registered each year. Scholarships are available.   Each year families are asked to submit a tuition investment payment plan at Open House.  Statements of account are given to families monthly.
Policy # 401
Families whose past due tuition amount (as of June 30th) exceeds $600.00 or the value of 3 months tuition (whichever is less) will be asked to participate in an automatic debit plan for the following school year.  If during the school year a family's outstanding tuition amount exceeds this amount, they will be asked to go to the automatic debit plan at that time.  Families having extenuating circumstances may meet with the principal to discuss the situation.  Families that have difficulty paying the stated tuition are encouraged to apply for scholarships and/or discuss their situation with the principal. No child will be denied a Catholic Education due to inability to pay tuition.

All tuition must be paid within the fiscal school year (July 1 - June 30).   If tuition is not current at the time of registration or the family has not met with the pastor or principal to discuss their financial commitment, they will not be be allowed to register.  Registration at a later date will be contingent upon space.  Families who withdraw during the school year are responsible for the prorated portion of the tuition.